Thursday, September 23, 2010


I'm pretty sure the frog was under the house, not in the sink pipe... lol


fawndear said...

Hilarious! Love it and love the problem solving/learning process of your son.
We once thought a rodent had climbed into our ducts and died (Horrible smell). Turns out a opossum had snuggled under the insulation and up to the furnace, then died. I practially tore the ducts down searching for the smell before we located the stinky culprit.

RavenM said...

Eeewwwwww!!! I'm glad you found it eventually, but yuck, what a smell to have to live with until then...

RavenM said...

Btw, I'm glad you found the whole scenario funny, I was quite amused myself. Classic example of Joshua keeping himself busy, and nothing was harmed in the process (though I wouldn't count on future safety of things like pipes and cupboards...which is why we had a little chat about asking first next time...of course, next time it will be something else and it will not occur to him that the 'ask first' applies ;-)