Monday, March 16, 2009

About Me and Blog Awards

Ok, I just want to shout out a big Thank You!!! to the lovely ladies who have given me blog awards in the recent past. You know who you are:) I can't tell you what a thrill it is to see my name listed and know you guys are reading and enjoying my blog. I love it!!! :-)

BUT......... As you may have noticed I'm not so good at following the rules and passing the things on! It's not that I don't appreciate the love. Honestly. I'm just really bad about doing any kind of chain thingy... I never forward emails or text messages, because I don't want to. I'm just not into it. This habit seems to have spilled over into blog land:) So while I'm lovin the love, you must award me at your own risk, as I may or may not ever post the thing and pass it on.

Thanks for understanding (I'm assuming here of course:-D)


Amanda said...

LOL. I am so the same way. I've got an award awaiting my attention right now. Maybe later... :)

RavenM said...

So glad I'm not the only one!! ;-)