I'm sitting here with a total blank, I want to write today but I don't know what to say. I figured if I just started typing something might come to me. I should be making phone calls. Dentist, chiropractor, eye doctor... I detest making phone calls. So, here I sit.
The critters are busy playing with
legos this morning. Big surprise there :) I don't think any of us are used to the cold yet. We save our outdoor excursions for when the sun comes out in the late morning of afternoon. We won't have that option pretty soon
lol. It will have to be into the freeze or not at all. With two little boys the not-at-all option doesn't fly. Even if they think they want to stay in they''ll fight like cats and dogs if we don't get out daily.

This one is always singing :)
I love how Critter #1 loves to talk and think and analyze. He's sooooo much like his papa. In fact the papa's mama gets a big kick out of him because he reminds her so much of her son hee hee. I have a question for you mamas who may read this. Does anyone have a perfectionist child who can't stand to do anything he/she can't do perfectly? How do you help them get past this so they can learn new things, like reading or drawing or anything? If he gets one little squiggle on a drawing or a letter he cries, scribbles it out, throws the page away... We are not trying to get him to write or anything but just with drawing or painting or anything like that he tries. I want to teach him to keep trying and that he wouldn't have to learn if he already knew how. 
Critter #2 wants to learn EVERYTHING. And he does literally mean everything. Big brother's response to this is "That's going to take a LONG time buddy". Ha Ha. He wants to be "every kind of worker" when he grows up and "work all day until I am tired" then come home. I asked him recently if he would rather have dance classes, karate, or tumbling(gymnastics). He said "dance and karate and tumbling". I told him he had to pick one to start with because we wouldn't be able to get all the classes at once. He chose karate. Later that day he found a pair of slacks in a box of clothes I pulled down for him. He came running out of the bedroom and told me he was putting them in his drawer to save for dance class...

The other evening I came out of the bathroom to find this...

Which quickly became this...

cute lil men:)looks like they have lots o fun!
Do you think number 2 will become physically dominant over number 1? I think its definitely possible. Looks like they had lots of fun.
fshmatt, we always speculate about that one. He's certainly always been more coordinated because of big brother's far-sightedness and lazy eye. I don't think B is going to be as much smaller as everyone seems to think though. He's tall for his age, as you know (seems like all our kids are lol) and have you seen his feet lately!
J is definitely more physical as far as being more daring and more willing to try stuff. I don't know how that's going to look when they're older. I can totally see B inventing stuff and getting J to try it out lol!
They are SOO precious! My secondborn is the more physically assertive, too. I used to worry about it, but not anymore.
As far as perfectionism, I think it just has to be a maturity thing. Some kids are just like that, but eventually they find something they want to do so badly they're willing to work through the failure and get really good at it.
Keep encouraging, but try not to worry too much. :)
crunchy christian mom, I was thinking about the perfectionism thing some after I wrote that. Actually looking at that picture of the chalk did it. He and his cousin were happily crushing chalk with a brick one day; I think you're right, I think it's a matter of both coordination and desire. He does incredibly well with legos. Most days he has no problem at all. If he's crying excessively about his legos I just tell him he needs to do something else for a while.
I'm so glad hubby and I finally talked and found out we are on the same page as far as not forcing them to learn. I can well imagine the stress and tears all around if we were pushing issues such as reading and writing right now.
About the crushing chalk thing, I meant there was something that didn't have to be perfect. He was just enjoying himself. It didn't require as much small motor coordination and there wasn't an expectation that it had to be a certain way.
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