Sunday, November 22, 2009

For The Crayon Stains...

I am going to try one of the recipes here:

Ok, I tried a mixture of detergent, borax, oxiclean, and vinegar. Soaked for a few hours and then checked. Decided to soak overnight. Washed twice(agitated twice I should say, without rinsing); rinsed twice, this morning. The lightest stained clothes came somewhat clean, all of the t-shirts have big oily stains all over though. The heaviest stains still left some color in the clothes. So this was a partial success. Not as much as I was hoping for with all the rave reviews on the site I got the recipe from.


Matthew said...


RavenM said...

I thought so :{ I don't have enough t-shirts to "lose" four or five of them to wretched stains...