We had a fun time watching the
cyclocross races today. It started out raining, after the first two races the sun came out to warm us. Nate says of this first pic, "I'm still smiling,
must've been the first lap." Which it was :)
The mud was very sticky, followed by stretches of gravel which stuck to the mud and built up on tires and other parts. There were a lot of broken bikes today. Many of the racers carried their bikes through the stickiest stretches.

Third lap, walking instead of jogging, getting tired.

Cowbells, along with shouts and various other vocalizations, are used to encourage the riders on to greater efforts. Some serious bell ringing going on here...

Brannon amused himself with trying to break open horse chestnuts on the pavement

The second race proceeded a bit faster than the first, with faster riders and a more packed track.

Love that smile :)

Third race. I loved these lines: the riders, the numbers, the fence posts, and more numbers.

A good friend of came along for the morning. The boys definitely enjoyed his company

A little rest anyone?

Trying to keep up with the big kids...good thing he had that little lounge...and good thing Zach will wait for him ;)

Bear in the lead

Over the barriers

Finding entertainment

Of course, hills equal sliding...especially if it's wet out

Finding agates

fav pic of the day as far as photography goes...love the flying mud and the bright jersey. Not a bad second place finish either, especially for being up most of the night.

Beautiful smile

And last but not least, the results of sliding down muddy hills. Hopefully there's a towel in the car to cover the seat with... ;-)
Love all the pictures. And even though the weather was a bit rainy with lots of gooey mud, there were still enough smiles to go around. Love that you made a family activity out of it.
Thanks fawndear :) If we didn't make a family activity of such things I don't think we could bear to let our Papa out that much without us, I'm very thankful it's possible.
Looks like some good times. I'll try to remember to have Emily bring the camera to my next bball game. That bike riding looks like a lot of fun, maybe some day I'll give it a try :)
You should, it's a blast. I want to be in shape to join them next year. Lot of work but it gives me a goal to work toward, not that I'm doing much at the moment, but hey...I can have illusions of grandeur...
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