My first post of 2009 came rather later than I expected due to a very obnoxious cold, right on the heels of the Christmas stomach "flu". Oh well, life goes on. I only hope we have a nice long break before anything else hits us.
Here are some pictures from a couple days after Christmas...
The boys are having a grand time with there new hammers and boxes of nails. Papa can get all the scrap pine boards we can dream of from an accommodating neighbor. I can easily put up with all the noise for my happy, busy boys :-)
A masterpiece of construction. We're still figuring out that you need boards of the same height to make things level lol... I love their creations though. This in is a combination tool shed/ helicopter landing pad. At least that's what it was at the time, it's purpose may have changed since then.
Taking a stroll...Well, that's what Mama and Papa were doing anyway. The boys were exploring dragon forest. All the fallen trees were dragon bones apparently :-)
a kitten house...
Pics from today... here are the beginnings of our lean-to greenhouse/woodshed/toolshed/ outdoor hammering area...
And yes, there is still no siding on almost 3/4 of the house, what can I say... Anyhoo, we will be glad for some winter lettuce next year, a place for starting seeds this year, wood close at hand, and a place for little boys to do lots more constructing :-)
I haven't been really working on my new goals this week since I've been laying in bed groaning most of the week. I have watched how much I ate on days that I was actually hungry. I can see I'm going to be shocked for a while every time I look at a carefully portioned plate and realize just how much I was actually eating before, Yikes! I think I'm going to need therapy to deal with how hungry I'll feel for a while:( Pathetic I know.
I haven't had to worry about the snacking thing, again being sick. But today I finished of the last handful of candied walnuts left over from Christmas without even realizing what I was doing. Sheesh... I can see I need a major habit overhaul. Well, they say it takes twenty-one days to make a habit and a lot longer to break one. We'll see though. I think I can make a new habit of being mindful when and what I eat, so that should be faster than breaking the habit of mindless snacking, right? Also distracting myself with something productive. I'm a little worried about that one to be honest. The reason I fell so deep into the snacking habit in the first place is that I often feel too sleepy and drained in the afternoon to sew or write or whatever...
I'll be real glad when this cough lets up and I can get back to walking again! I miss movement :-)
We went to the Chiropractor day before yesterday, and to make a very long story short, I and at least two of my children are zinc deficient.
Taking Zinc now, and hope to see some good results, but one thing that came up, was I told him I want to do a cleanse because I'm not pregnant or nursing (and that's seldom to none!).
He wouldn't even let me finish my story before shaking his head.
"No" he said "you are not doing a cleanse - your body has no reserves right now"
Me: stutter, stammer... But here's "the thing" I cannot get weight to stay on this rail-thin body when I'm not pregnant, and then when I'm pregnant, I eat everything in sight, all pregnancy, and gain 60 pounds! My problem is the obvious fact that this can't be good. I think a cleanse might help me get some things balanced out and give me a good start to eating more moderately and healthier.
Again, long story short is that this chiropractor thinks my "have to eat" while pregnant is sign of a mineral deficiency too.
I'm concerned about becoming pregnant again and having my husband worry about my health (me, I just plow through)
I WANT better health. I want to think clearly again!!!
That might be asking too much :-)
But I can hope?
Anyway, I'm praying for you dear friend. You aren't alone. I hate the follow through part of resolves like these ;-}
It is HARD.
Love you,
Doesn't cold season just suck? I am feeling the best I have since the day after Christmas. Last night at b-ball my throat KILLING me. I mean it. I actually died. I hope you feel better soon.
Momma Bug,
So sorry to hear you are having health troubles. I hope the zinc has a good effect on you. Doesn't it stink when you have a "great" idea and someone who knows more than you (you hope:) totally derails you? Have you been tested for any food allergies or other mineral/vitamin deficiencies? An inability to gain weight could be food allergies...
I'll be praying for you too! It's no fun to have a fuzzy head, especially with little ones running around. And school! We've been woefully deficient in anything with any regularity around here...(by "we" I mean "ME!" LOL)
so sorry to hear of your expiration. I do hope you come back to life sooner than later. I'd miss you if you didn't...
I may come back, I don't know if I want to or not. I think the only reason I would is because there are too many people who would miss me. That and I'm sure God has some plan or other that requires my participation and I wouldn't want to damn anybody with my selfishness. :) just some lighthearted thoughts to brighten your day.
Love the pics!
Hi Mommy!!! :-)
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