Some of the mushrooms actually look like they are luminescent, in the pictures, not to the naked eye...
Brightest color we found today. Not as bright as the yellow ones we found last year. Neat orange color though
Mushroom hunters
We have Lots and Lots of these...
This was how we remembered to go mushroom hunting--we'd see these beauties every time we went down or up the driveway
Remember how I said Nate was holding a couple mushrooms for a while? Well, this is one of the types he picked up early on. And discovered it's covered in a mucous-like slime that makes it very unpleasant to hang onto. We presume all the dead bugs are suffocated in slime. But why does the mushroom make slime? If we identify this one I'll let you know (supposing I remember to do so...)
Sure looks like fun! There is an awful lot of fungus among us. You can see from these pics why they are used in a lot of fantasy stories.
And just think of all the ones we didn't or couldn't see!! They are pretty fascinating:)
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