Remember my rose fence Nate built for Valentine's day??? Hopefully to keep the deer from eating my roses and killing them! Then for our anniversary the lovely man went to buy me another rose bush (I had three--one from Mother's day last year, one from some other time, and the third from Valentine's day along with the fence:) and since the roses were on sale for one to two dollars each he brought home no less than 15 bushes!! *Swooon* ;-)
And now they're blooming!! My first rose garden ever!!!! Yay!!!!!!! :D
Here is "Charisma"
(not looking very gold, these yellow lovelies apparently fade really fast. Still pretty though:)
"Dublin Bay"
a climber bought to replace my "Don Juan" my first Mother's day rose. I couldn't find anything nearly as dark as Don Juan when we were searching...
And... Drumroll!...Don Juan was not dead after all! :) My favorite dark red beauty in growing wonderfully and covered in buds! Yay! (Since I took this picture though the stinking deer reached through the fence and nipped the almost fully open flower and the bud next to it. Aaaaurrgggh! The wretches. There's a whole wealth of food around here, Leave My Roses Alone!!!!) This pic doesn't do justice to this color...
a climber bought to replace my "Don Juan" my first Mother's day rose. I couldn't find anything nearly as dark as Don Juan when we were searching...
Oh Sarah! How wonderful!!!
What a precious fella you have and what a gift you will enjoy and enjoy and enjoy:-)
I am fond of Josephs Coat myself and can't wait to get one climbing somewhere, and Fourth of July is Zachary's favorite. He is my guy who knows Roses - comes from Gramsie.
Love you.
My favorites are always the dark red roses (the darker and more "velvety" the better!) and the bright red with their gold hearts showing, especially the groundcover or climbing roses that get massive:)
But, I love All my beauties and still can't believe I finally have roses:D And it's great for Nate because he wants to buy me flowers because he knows how much I like them but he can't stand "wasting" money on something that will only last a few days;) Now he carries around a list of flowers that I like and for a special occasion he can buy me plants or seeds that I can add to my rose/flower garden. Win-win I say!
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