Buds on the willow trees...


This pretty girl is sitting on a nest! :) I hope to have ducklings to show you in about a month (muscovy eggs incubate for 35 days, almost as long as goose eggs) hurray! I love ducklings, they are the cutest bird babies ever :)
The only thing I like about spring is the shed horns, green grass, and wild flowers.
Kinda sad we have not even had winter yet.
We have had PLENTY of winter. I HATE winter. I HATE the cold. I can handle 120 degrees in the summer if it meant no frozen windshields etc. I like spring okay but summer is where its at.
Ohhhhh, baby ducklings. I can't wait.
I have a couple of extra rainbow makers. Send me your address and I'll send them to your boys. fawn@ashbys.net
Spring is the best!!!!! ;)
I'm with Matt I think, I'd rather be hot than frozen...(except when pregnant--then heat is just torture, pure unadulterated torture).
Fawn, that's so so so sweet!! Thank you :)
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