Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Smile Awards and Breaking Holiday Rules...

Fawndear gave me this sweet award a few days ago. :) I'm finally getting around to posting about it. I will get around to passing it on eventually, but for now, Thanks again fawndear :)

So, I have this funny little holiday rule. I don't listen to Christmas music (or dig for Christmas decorations) until the weekend after thanksgiving. It just irks me that the stores go straight from Halloween to Christmas. Now, I know this is because you don't by tons of candy/costumes/ gifts/decorations for thanksgiving. Naturally the store will decorate for their biggest money makers. But, it happens downtown too. Christmas decorations everywhere. Anyway, I just don't like thanksgiving to get lost under Christmas. Thus, my little holiday rule.

This year I broke my rule for the first time (I think) ever. You see, I picked up this beauty last week...

I wasn't going to open it yet. I knew the temptation to listen to it would be too strong. Then one night my kids would NOT settle down at bedtime. Nothing I did helped. In desperation I asked them if they would like to listen to the new enya album. They LOVE enya (and we lost our other album, sadly, so they've been deprived for a while) they agreed to be very still and quiet if I turned it on for them. Whatdya know, it worked :)

The only problem was, now the album was out in the open. It only took two days for me to surrender to temptation... OK, so there are only three Christmas songs on the album, so I didn't break my rule too badly :)

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Its okay :O) I am finding that "rules" tend to simply complicate life. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with tradition, as long as it doesn't put you in a box. Rejoice in your freedom!