Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Use For Old T-shirts...

...other than the rag bag that is :)

Hula hoop loom

One very happy boy:)

Who gave his first rug to his big brother and is ready to make another for himself:)


LindaFaye said...

Awesome. It looks kinda like my crochet rag rug I made with sheet strips. But kids friendly. Great.

RavenM said...

Yep:) I have a crochet rag rug, kinda ugly due to the scraps I made it from, that lives in our bathroom. Joshua has been interested in crocheting from time to time but just doesn't have the coordination or patience yet. I was looking for simple weaving projects because he expressed an interest in that (that is to say, he was outside trying to weave grass bird nests and boats for gifts for people without any clue what weaving was;) I came across this idea in a Family Fun magazine grandma gave us later that day and it's been perfect for him :)

Emily McEntire said...

Looks like fun!! He did a great job!